The Study Consulting Program helps undergraduate students strengthen their academic skills, adjust to the increased demands of college, and fulfill their academic potential. Study consultants are not tutors, but will help you with academic skills that will help you in all courses.
Ideally, we like students to enter the program at the beginning of the semester. However, students may make intake appointments and be accepted into the program at any time!
How Consultations Work
You will be expected to meet with your consultant for one hour each week and try different strategies and techniques until you discover the ones that work best for you. We recommend being open to your consultant’s suggestions, but you are not required to follow them.
If you are unable to commit to weekly, hour-long sessions, then please see the information below about our Study Consulting Express program.
Personalized Consultations
If you are interested in requesting a study consultant, please reach out to your academic advisor or success coach to discuss your needs, and they can submit a request for you to be matched with a consultant. We will start accepting study consulting requests the week of September 16th, 2024.
To expedite the process, complete Study Consulting Skills Assessment before meeting with you advisor. Check out the Study Consulting Express program below if you need immediate assistance.
What if I find the program is not for me?
Not a problem! Simply send an email to the program director and your assigned consultant saying that you wish to exit the program.
Study Consulting Express
Unable to commit to weekly sessions, but feel that you could benefit from working with a study consultant? Try our Study Consulting Express service. This service, which operates during the fall and spring semesters, as well as over the summer, supports all Homewood students from both the Krieger and Whiting schools. You can make a one-time, one-hour appointment directly with a highly trained study consultant to focus on a particular growth area or study skill. No intake is required! And there is no limit to the number of times you can book directly.
Summer 2024 Study Consulting Express sessions can be booked from Tuesday, May 28th to Friday, August 9th. No Intake or Study Consulting Assessment is required.
To book an appointment with a study consultant, please visit Penji.