Drop-in tutoring is canceled during university holidays and weather-related closures. If you have any questions about our services, please email the Assistant Director of the Learning Den, Joseph Cunningham, at [email protected].

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry Initiative SectionDay, Time, & Location
Drop-in Tutoring SupportSunday and Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm in Remsen 300
OCI Sessions for Dr. KlausenMonday and Tuesday from 7 to 9 pm in Remsen 101
OCI Sessions for Dr. NsengiyumvaWednesday and Thursday from 7 to 9 pm in Remsen 101

General Chemistry Review Sessions

Drop-in TutoringMonday and Thursday from 7 to 9 pm in Remsen 300
GCR Sessions for Dr. SunitaWednesday from 7 to 9 pm in Hodson 213
GCR Sessions for Dr. YoungWednesday from 7 to 9 pm in Remsen 233
GCR Sessions for Dr. McCartney Wednesday from 7 to 9 pm in Hodson 210


CourseDay, Time, & Location
Calculus IMonday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 377
Thursday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 119
Calculus IIMonday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 377
Wednesday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 219
Thursday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 186
Saturday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 119
Sunday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 55
Sunday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 75
Calculus IIISunday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 119
Tuesday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 75
Differential Equations Wednesday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 377
Saturday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 186
Linear Algebra Wednesday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 377
Probability and Statistics Monday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 313

Online Tutoring

CourseDay and Times
Calculus ISunday 7 to 9 pm
Calculus IISaturday 9 am to 11 am
Calculus II-Engineering Friday 3 to 5 pm
Calculus IIIThursday 6 to 8 pm
Differential EquationsMonday 7 to 9 pm
Prob StatsMonday 7 to 9 pm
Sunday 6 to 8 pm
GeneticsThursday 2 to 4 pm
Sunday 5 to 7 pm
Biochemistry Thursday 2 to 4 pm
Cellular and Systems IISunday 5 to 7 pm
Access online drop-in sessions through his link:

There you can join any session at its scheduled time!

Physical Chemistry II, Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Genetics, & Physics

CourseDay, Time, & Location
Physical Chemistry II (no sessions on Feb. 18th, Mar. 4th, and Apr. 22nd)Tuesdays 4 to 6 pm in Resmen 140
Biology IIMonday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 219
Cell BiologySaturdays 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 186
Biochemistry Tuesday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 186
Sunday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 219
Genetics Thursday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 219
Physics (102, 104. & 107)Monday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 119
Sunday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 17
Sunday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 219


CourseDay, Time, & Location
FBBC & Cellular and Systems IIMonday 7 to 9 pm in Gilman 413
Wednesday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 17
Saturday 6 to 8 pm in Gilman 75