Personalized Tutoring is one-on-one specialized tutoring for several undergraduate courses not supported by our drop-in program. These courses primarily consist of first- and second-year math, science, engineering, and social science courses such as economics. A referral is needed to have a Personalized Tutor. Students can be referred by advisors, faculty, TAs, CSS staff, success coaches, case managers, or OAS staff.
If you have difficulty obtaining a referral or have questions about Personalized Tutoring, please email Joseph Cunningham at [email protected].
Requirements for Referral
Students must meet at least one of the below requirements to qualify for Personalized Tutoring:
- Current course trouble: low raw score on midterm/exam or low pre-curve grade
- Academic standing: GPA below 2.5, on academic probation, or returning from a dismissal
- Disability: student has a learning or other disability that makes learning in a group setting difficult
- Low academic preparation: lower placement, SAT/ACT, or AP scores, “C” or lower on prerequisite courses, gateway courses not taken at Hopkins, or English is the student’s second language
If you meet one of the above criteria and would like a tutor, please contact your academic advisor who can submit a request.